Re: [AD] Allegro 4.1.18 WIP RC1

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Evert Glebbeek wrote: 
> I've uploaded the files for the 4.1.18 WIP release
> to
> Tested and work smoothly under Linux,
> but not recently tested on other platforms. So if
> others can test and conform that it works well, I
> will upload the files to SourceForge,
> somewhere around fivish PM UT tomorrow.
Builds fine with DJGPP 2.03 + GCC 3.4.1, with WARNMODE
flag set. Builds OK regardless if user has run fix.bat
or not.

There's however a minor issue when compiling with GCC
3.4.1.  It complains that the  '-mcpu=pentium'  flag
deprecated (see below):

gcc -DALLEGRO_LIB_BUILD -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes
-Wno-unused -Werror -mcpu=pentium -O2 -funroll-loops
-ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -I. -I./include -o
obj/djgpp/alleg/exgui.o -c examples/exgui.c
`-mcpu=' is deprecated. Use `-mtune=' or '-march='

> This WIP does not yet include Peter's patch to make
> Allegro more 64 bit friendly, but I see no reason to
> not apply it (and similar patches) after this.

I might be wrong, but after applying them, I belive
it's a good idea to rebuild the DJGPP port just to
make sure.

> Attached are the 4.1.18 thanks and changelog diffs.

I've fixed a typo and improved formatting in
'authors.' The diff file is attached.


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Attachment: authors.diff
Description: authors.diff

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