Re: [AD] Documentation update

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On 2005-01-21, Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> +@shortdesc Safe function to substract fixed point numbers without overflow.
> [...]
> I think the "without overflow" is misleading, but I don't know
> what to replace it with.

Maybe "clamping underflow"?

@shortdesc Safe function to subtract fixed point numbers clamping underflow.

> Where are these shortdesc's used?

Currently man pages' titles, and with my last makedoc patch, HTML
index, TOCs and title attribute of hyperlinks. Maybe I could force
the info docs to use them as well, but that's really pushing the
limits of my archeology skills.

> A bit more context might be good, such as "A dialog procedure
> implementing a button object".

I was afraid they would not fit (I've forced all of them to the
usual text width), but looks like they can fit.

There is hardly any context for the manpages. I thought maybe it
would be good to add the word allegro in brackets to all the titles,
so doing "apropos allegro" would be equal to doing "apropos SDL_",
but I guess we deserve it for having such a nasty API.

Attached new version of the patch.

Attachment: doc_update2.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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