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msvc7 compiler switch /GL (Whole Program Optimization)
is there any reasons we are not using it ?
i have been modifying makefile.vc since 4.1.16 for this.
and had no ill effects.
also.. the /arch:SSE switch allows the compiler to produce SSE
( i could go further by saying SSE2,3 should also be added, but that would
require more than the average users CPU).
SSE is available on Athlons, P3,P4. which i would say is the average user CPU.
so as not to create a dependency on this instruction set, it could be added
to the compiler options, much like the
TARGET_ARCH_EXCL=[cpu] options. ( /docs/alleg045.html )
also, the /G7 switch can be specified for Pentium4 (but somehow i feel
this is not really appropriate yet, perhaps in the fullness of time it will
see its way into makefile.vc ;)