Re: [AD] Custom packfiles

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On Friday 31 December 2004 05:21, Peter Wang wrote:
> Here's a patch that implements custom packfiles, i.e. PACKFILEs where 
> the user supplies the methods for reading, writing, etc.  No 
> documentation yet.  I think the changes are simple enough for 4.2.

I agree! I think this is something a lot of people wanted to have as well.

> It's not possible to use the Allegro's packfile compression with 
> pack_fopen_vtable(), nor can you use pack_fopen_chunk() on 
> vtable-packfiles.  That also explains why there is no load_datafile_pf().

Too bad... I don't suppose there's an easy way to change that?

> Basically this is a quick hack to allow people to make use of the image 
> and sample loaders with data stored in memory, or within non-datafile 
> "wad" formats (e.g. zip files).  I'll leave it to you guys to decide if 
> it's worth including for 4.2.

I think so.

> expackf.c is code I was testing with.  It won't compile by itself but it 
> shows how the API can be used.

Ok. I'd like there to be a proper example in the examples directory when 
it's final.


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