[AD] Re: [AL] Alleg-main digest, Vol 1 #672 - 5 msgs

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--- David Cullen wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> In response to
> > Elias Pschernig wrote:
> >> Look for set_display_switch_mode. Under Windows,
> Allegro is set to
> >> pause while an application is not focused. I'm
> not really sure why..
> >> under OSX (AFAIK) and X11 the default is to not
> pause. Should we make
> >> this default also in windows?
> >
> > definitely not. default should be to pause. this
> is what you expect from
> > a game
> >
> > -- 
> > Regards,
> >     Michal
> I expect a game to keep running in the background. 
> That's what all games I 
> buy do.  I also expect the game to have a pause
> button/function.
> David Cullen 

Well.. Starcraft pauses in the background, and thats a
pretty popular game.

A pause button has nothing to do with the switch mode
either. :P

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