Re: [AD] Example documentation update

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On Sat, 2004-11-06 at 17:45 +0000, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Proposed example documentation update attached.

Ok, let me proof read again :)

> + *    The example starts setting a normal 256 color VESA mode, and

It uses AUTODETECT.. (albeit with a very strange formula to calculate
the width). Maybe just "The example starts by setting up a normal 256
color mode." And you could replace the GFXW*sizeof(short) with GFXW * 2.

> + *    triangles are displayed rotating and bounding on the screen


> + *    running this example may be none, sluggish performance

I think "none at all" sounds better than "none"

> + *    Depending on the type of selected switching mode, you will see

Add a "the"

> + *    the example shows two 3D cubes rotating and intersecting
> + *    them. Rather than having any full polygon overlap incorrectly
> + *    other polygons in front of it due to depth sorting, each
> + *    pixel is drawn at the correct depth.

*intersecting each other
*I think "Rather than having full polygons incorrectly overlap other
polgons due to per-polygon sorting, each..." is clearer.

Looks good otherwise, this really improves the examples.

Elias Pschernig

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