Re: [AD] allegro_dev_c++ + USB port conflict

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On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 13:33 +0200, christoph guillermet wrote:
> Hi, I need DEEPLY HELP:
> I have a problem using Allegro and DEV C++ 4 9 8 0. 
> I m developing a freeware for light management in theatre, with a
> hardware on USB port to send DMX512 signal. I m under windows 2000
> professionnal. Since I am on Allegro , and have configured Dev_C++
> ( see after what was done with options on Dev-C++), when I run
> compilation I have this message in windows box:
> Adress at « 0x000000000000 » employ the adress « 0x000000000000 »
> memory can not be « read »
> (bad translated from French)

Hm, sounds like the program simply crashes, trying to read from a NULL
pointer. Does it say something else, like which .dll/.exe does the read
from 0? I'd suggest trying to run in a debugger - but I don't know which
one works best with devc++ - maybe someone else knows. It should tell
you which line in the source code fails and make it somewhat easier to
track the problem.

> My prog is using a dll and when I go under Debug mode, it works fine!
> But exe is also doing same trouble.

Odd. I don't have devc++ - so not sure what it does differently in debug
mode. I'd have expected it to work without debug mode, and fail in debug
mode because of additional checks..

> I have already developped a first version under dos mode with same
> hardware and Dll and version of Dev-c++; and it was working fine, so I
> m sure conflict is beetween allegro and something to see with usb port
> and dev-c++/Mingw32.

What do you mean, dos mode? Just not using Allegro? Can you tell which
version of Allegro you are using, and which other additional libraries
you were using, when compiling with and without Allegro?

> Seems to have some troubles with afxwin.h; and wingdi.h when I used
> #define ALLEGRO_AND_MFC ( see down sample talking about that from
> allegro 4 tutorial)

Hm. What troubles? But I guess you don't need ALLEGRO_AND_MFC just to
use that DLL.

Anyway, I have no idea what the problem is. Maybe someone else knows
more. Oh, and maybe you can post that DLL somewhere, so someone else
could try to compile and run the program, and reproduce the crash.

Elias Pschernig

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