Re: [AD] Allegro on amd64-linux

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On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 16:42:40 +0200, Eric Botcazou
<ebotcazou@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've started to toy with Allegro on amd64-linux (Mandrake 10.0).  The library
> doesn't compile on the machine because of undefined references to outportb
> and the likes (reproducible with --disable-vga).  This was broken by Chris'
> 09/17 patch (and hinted at by Peter) because the functions are defined only
> if ALLEGRO_LINUX_VGA is but used in the sources if GFX_MODEX is
> defined..

I posted a patch a few days ago that should fix that up. I added
GFX_HAS_MODEX, GFX_HAS_VGA, and GFX_HAS_VBEAF that only get defined
when the drivers are available, and I changed the source to look for
those instead of the driver IDs. I even set it up so the DOS port
defines them (DOS would break otherwise).

I thought the message came through, but due to GMail's message
threading system I can't be totally sure. If the patch isn't there,
just say so and I'll repost it.

- Kitty Cat

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