Re: [AD] giftware license

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--- Chris La Mantia wrote:
> I know we all have an emotional attachment to the
> "giftware" license, but
> would it be so bad if we use the MIT license?  If I
> understand it right, the
> MIT license isn't requiring that people add Allegro
> attributions to their
> code, only that they don't remove Allegro
> attributions from Allegro's code.
> Perhaps we could use the Giftware license
> "informally", as a statement of
> purpose or something, and use the MIT license
> formally?

Whats wrong with the current license?  Are people
running off and making their own versions of allegro
or something?  Unless there are some spinoffs that I'm
not aware of, I dont think there are any incidents
where people have taken advantage of the license.

Personaly, I'm very attached to the current license. 
Maybe this is something Shawn should decide.

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