Re: [AD] Undocumented number of timer functions

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gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The documentation doesn't say explicitly how many timer functions
> a user can register.  A small test under linux gives me about
> 1000 timers before install_int returns different than zero. What
> about other platform restrictions? Even if possible, should the

The docs currently say, under install_int_ex:

There can only be sixteen timers in use at a time, and some other
parts of Allegro (the GUI code, the mouse pointer display routines,
rest(), the FLI player, and the MIDI player) need to install handlers
of their own, so you should avoid using too many at the same time. If
you call this routine without having first installed the timer module,
install_timer() will be called automatically.

Matthew Leverton - matthew@xxxxxxxxxx

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