Re: [AD] resource path functions [was: [patch] new configuration variable: resource_path]

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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz:
> On 2004-09-25, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 2004-09-22, Daniel Schlyder <daniel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > I hope you'll find the new one more to your liking.
>> Commited. See if the attached documentation patch is correct.

Looks good. Thanks a lot! I wasn't looking forward to documenting it. :)

> Wrong key. Here it is.

> +@retval
> +   Returns non zero on success, zero if the path could not be added or
> +   modified or you wanted to remove a path and the priority used didn't have
> +   any associated path.

Modifying a path will always return non zero.

> -   Daniel Schlydler (<email>daniel@xxxxxxxxxx</a>).<br>
> +   Daniel Schlyder (<email>daniel@xxxxxxxxxx</a>).<br>

Please change my email address to daniel@xxxxxxxxxx


Daniel Schlyder

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