Re: [AD] Makefile fix

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Robert Ohannessian wrote:

What about mkdir -p? I had already posted a patch a while back, but CVS
messed it up so Eric reverted the changes. I didn't have the time to
reapply it correctly, but perhaps you could look it up?

-----Original Message-----
From: alleg-developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:alleg-
developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bobby Ferris
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 9:25 AM
To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [AD] Makefile fix

Sam Hocevar wrote:

On Thu, Aug 05, 2004, Bobby Ferris wrote:

Replace "mkdir $(FOO)" with "if test ! -d $(FOO); then mkdir
which is what you really mean. Ideally, automake's mkinstalldir
be used since it can recursively create directory trees.

well what about windows? :/

 This is how to do it under a DOS prompt; someone should check
it works in a Makefile:

   if not exist $(FOO)\nul.ext md $(FOO)

you would need to get command/cmd to run it. You could put that in a
batch file or something. OK. So let's hold off on this make file
patch.... someone else can add the checking ;)

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will that work on windows too?

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