Re: [AD] get_audio_stream_buffer

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On Friday 13 August 2004 21:11, Serge Semashko wrote:
> Well, probably I will try to contact ALSA people now. Don't know if a
> workaraund for this problem would be useful in allergo (maybe it could
> just exit from oss_update loop when bytes field is negative or fragments
> is greater than fragstotal). Maybe sound will be broken in this case,
> but the game will not freeze at least.

I'm undecided personally. On the one hand, I like my program not to crash, 
and the work around in this case is simple.
On the other hand, if this is a bug in OSS, then it's for them to fix 
rather than for us to work around. We don't want to clutter the code too 
much, after all ;)

That said, even if it is fixed, it'll be a while before everyone has a 
patched version, so it may be just as well to have a workaround in Allegro 
and remove it once the fixed version has become standard enough (see 
Allegro's dga_mouse config option and the remarks in the todo file about 
it for a similar case).
If you care to submit a patch, I think it can be applied.


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