Re: [Fwd: [AD] Re: CVS: allegro/demo demo.c,1.23,1.24]

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On Sunday 11 July 2004 17:55, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Yes, I agree, didn't even know about that _ALLEGRO_VRAM_SINGLE_SURFACE
> #define. Maybe we should make it public before though? Using an internal
> symbol in the demo game isn't a good idea :P

Actually, it's called ALLEGRO_VRAM_SINGLE_SURFACE... I accidentally diffed 
from a version where I had disabled the double buffering for testing 
purposes. Guess I need to be more careful about that...
Anyway, the symbol is documented in the "differences between platforms" 
section of the Allego manual. Maybe a section that cross-references all 
defines would be useful to have too?
Anyway, I'll apply the (corrected, as in without the _ in front of 
ALLEGRO_VRAM_SINGLE_SURFACE) patch. I think the symbol is sufficiently 
documented to justify this; besides, I think it will teach people how to 
deal with page flipping in a consistent way.


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