Re: [AD] Conflict between Allegro and std string library

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> There is a conflict between Allegro (4.0) and "string" library.
> I tried to compile the following code under Dev-C++

It looks like "string" uses Win32 API. You can fix the conflicts by including
winalleg.h after allegro.h on Windows:

#include <allegro.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#    include <winalleg.h>

Or, if you don't plan to use Win32 API directly in your own code, defining
__GTHREAD_HIDE_WIN32API should also work.

The, unrelated, std::string conversion errors can be fixed by using
std::string::c_str(), like this:

textout(screen, font, String.c_str(),
       (SCREEN_W - text_length(font, String.c_str())) >> 1,
        text_height(font) + 2, 14);

Allegro is written in C (well, mostly anyway) and consequently doesn't support
C++ features like std::string.

Kind regards,
Daniel Schlyder

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