[AD] re: mouse mickeys problem |
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some investigation into the allegro source i find that mickeys are obtained
by using win32::GetCursorPos() which i presume only works until the
cursor hits the edge of the screen.
i have found some directInput code that apparently gets the raw mickeys
here is a sample:
LONG MouseX, MouseY;
if(lpdiMouse->GetDeviceState(sizeof(diMouseState), &diMouseState) == DI_OK)
MouseX = diMouseState.lX;
MouseY = diMouseState.lY;
i think this is what needs to be done to get real mickeys from DirectInput.
i got the above sample from;
which is DirectInput 3.. is that version old enough to support all the
platforms allegro supports ?
i do not know enough about COM or DirectInput to be much more help.. i hope
this is a good start.
MSVC 7.1
windowed mode
allegro 4.1.13 (original/non-cvs)
mouse mickeys work as described in the docs, until the cursor hits the
Windows desktop edge, then they stop working.
Is this the designed behaviour?, cause it doesn't match the documented
I was wishing to have mickeys continue to work when the cursor hits the
Windows desktop edge.
1. allegro needs fixing ; either the code to match the docs, or the docs
to match the code!
2. if the code gets fixed im happy. if the docs get fixed; can anyone
offer a solution for me (i want mickeys when mouse hits desktop edge).