Re: [AD] small fix in the test program

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On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 16:37, Eric Botcazou wrote:
> > This seems to be where it was added (just looked at bit at SF):
> >
> >
> >&r2=1.40
> Hmm... I can't have done that (unless I was drunk of course :-)  The line is 
> present in rev1.1 in the CVS repository.
> > Removing the above line also seems to fix test.. So probably that's what
> > should be done instead.
> I think so.  But the same line might be present in other functions too.

Don't know. Probably the patch for test is fine in any case - it's
always good to store transient strings like allegro_error if they aren't
immediately used.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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