[AD] proposal: al_sleep()

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I mentioned it already about a week ago in the post about my ALSA
troubles, but nobody commented. Almost every (of my) Allegro programs
contains the following, in order to get <100% CPU (looks nicer to users,
drops CPU temp about 10°C, runs smoother..):

  struct timeval tv = {0, 1};
  select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); 
#elif defined(ALLEGRO_WINDOWS)
  Sleep (1);
  yield_timeslice ();

Once I find out how to do it in OSX, I could add another #define, and so
on.. but since Allegro already has yield_timeslice () - which is rather
useless in my opinion - shouldn't we provide an al_sleep(), with
al_sleep(0) deprecating yield_timeslice()?

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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