Re: [AD] faq entry

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mmm... seems a bit messy.... how about describing how the problem occurs, then directing the reader to seek the solution in the relevant /docs/build/[specific compiler].txt

I've tried to make new version of the answer:

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Make sure you're building a Windows GUI Application, and not
a Windows Console Application.

If you are using an IDE (like MSVC, Dev-C++ or Borland C++ Builder)
than is this typically set when you create new project. In already
created project you can change it in project settings:
in MSVC 6:  go to Project\Settings\Link tab and find in
            the Project Options box "/subsystem:console"
            and change it to "/subsystem:windows"
in Dev-C++: go to Project\Project Options and in
            the Type box change value from Win32 Console
            to Win32 GUI

If you are using command line than is this specified:
by the /subsystem:windows flag for the MSVC linker,
by the -tW flag for the Borland C++ command line compiler or
by the -mwindows flag for the MinGW or CygWin compiler.

Either that, or define the preprocessor symbol ALLEGRO_USE_CONSOLE
prior to including Allegro headers if you really need the console
for your program.
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