RE: [AD] Old patches return

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> > some things in the gui:
> >  - being able to tell an object to ignore the mouse
> What does it really buy us? Can't the object simply do 
> nothing in response to 
> mouse messages?

Sure, but any object below it won't get them. I use that for GUI
objects that are essentially decorations on top of the active object.
In this case, the object below must answer mouse messages, but would
not receive them, as the decoration would be deemed to be the mouse
messages recipient by the GUI handler.

> >  - user messages to objects are not ignored for hidden objects
> I think this makes sense.

In a general case, I think it's bad to ignore all messages (bar the
MSG_DRAW one) for hidden objects. But it would probably break things
to change this, so I didn't.

> >  - (some) messages are ignored for disabled objects rather than
> >    hidden objects (the previous behavior doesn't make much sense,
> >    unless I'm missing something - I have the feeling I had already
> >    proposed this one and it was rejected though, not sure)
> Don't forget that disabled objects must redraw themselves, so 
> they must get 
> at least the MSG_DRAW message.

They should get it. I do have disabled objects that are drawn.
Ah, I see that what I just said above is just more or less a repeat
of the quote above :) I'll leave it anyway.

Thanks for taking the time to revisit those old posts.

Vincent Penquerc'h 

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