Re: [AD] clipping line algorithm

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Eric Botcazou wrote:
_putpixel() is a very limited version of putpixel() (see the docs for the limitation). If your version is intended to replace the current line() function, it must obey the same rules,

But if _putpixel() is more efficient, we can test the bitmap type to see if it allows for _putpixel(), and only otherwise use bmp->vtable->putpixel(). I think the correct test would be

   if (is_linear_bitmap(bmp) && _drawing_mode == DRAW_MODE_SOLID)
      use _putpixel
      use bmp->vtable->putpixel

I suppose the same could be done for all drawing primitives, so we could write a function like

   typedef void (*PUTPIXEL_METHOD)(BITMAP, int, int, int);
   static PUTPIXEL_METHOD select_putpixel(BITMAP *bmp) {
      if (is_linear_bitmap(bmp) && _drawing_mode == DRAW_MODE_SOLID) {
         switch (bitmap_color_depth(bmp)) {
            case 8: return _putpixel;
            case 15: return _putpixel15;
            case 16: return _putpixel16;
            case 24: return _putpixel24;
            case 32: return _putpixel32;
         return bmp->vtable->putpixel;

and then we use this in do_[ellipse|circle|line|arc]() after detecting that no clipping is necessary. Would it work? What do you think?


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