[AD] improved findtext.sh

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Current 'misc/findtext.sh mytext.cfg' reports any string that is used in a call to get_config_text() but not in mytext.cfg, as well as any string that is in mytext.cfg but not used by an get_config_text(). This patch makes it distinguish these cases.
Index: misc/findtext.sh
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/misc/findtext.sh,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 findtext.sh
--- misc/findtext.sh	14 May 2000 20:16:49 -0000
+++ misc/findtext.sh	10 Jul 2003 19:49:01 -0000
@@ -27,9 +27,15 @@
 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
    echo "Comparing entext.cfg with $1..."
-   sed -e "s/=.*//" -e "s/ //" entext.cfg $1 | \
-      sort | \
-      uniq -u
+   en=`mktemp findtext.XXXXXX`
+   nat=`mktemp findtext.XXXXXX`
+   sed -e "s/=.*//" -e "s/ //" entext.cfg | sort > $en
+   sed -e "s/=.*//" -e "s/ //" $1 | sort > $nat
+   echo "-------- Missing Texts --------"
+   comm -2 -3 $en $nat
+   echo "-------- Possibly Unused Texts --------"
+   comm -1 -3 $en $nat
+   rm $en $nat
    echo "Translation strings written into entext.cfg"

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