Re: [AD] c++ test.

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> To be fair, you only mentionned the parts that bring your
> point across :)

No, just the additional UPPERCASEs you have to type in C++. You don't use 
qualified names to write methods in C, and of course you have neither 
constructors nor destructors. Let alone the gazillons of overloaded 
operators taking MY_CLASS operands you can have.

> void foo()
> {
>   PALETTE p;
>   RLE_SPRITE rle;
>   BITMAP bmp;
>   RGB c;
>   ...
> }

Same in C++.

> Anyway, I agree that all caps are not very pretty, but I also
> happen to think they're just as unpretty in C code. My point
> being, if you think it's over the top in C++, you might as well
> change the C code types too.

They admittedly are not pretty in C either, but IMHO the problem is nowhere 
as serious in C as in C++.

Eric Botcazou

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