[AD] small spelling fix.

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One OS to rule them all,
one OS to find them,
one OS to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.

--- makefile.all.old	Fri Jun 20 00:06:10 2003
+++ makefile.all	Fri Jun 20 00:07:13 2003
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #                           compatibility with older processors (GCC-based platforms).
 #        TARGET_ARCH_EXCL   optimize for the given processor; this will cause the library
 #                           to *NOT* be backwards compatible (GCC-based platforms).
-#        TARGET_OPTS        allows you to customize general optimalization (GCC-based platforms).
+#        TARGET_OPTS        allows you to customize general optimizations (GCC-based platforms).
 #        CROSSCOMPILE=1     cross-build under Linux (DJGPP, MinGW32).
 #        ALLEGRO_USE_C=1    use C drawing code instead of asm (GCC-based platforms).
 #        UNIX_TOOLS=1       use Unix-like tools instead of DOS tools.

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