Re: [AD] error with latest cvs version

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> > Compiling Allegro for MSVC, optimised. Please wait..
> > obj/msvc/runner.exe cl
> > @ -nologo -DALLEGRO_SRC -W1 -Gd -Ox -GB -MD -I. -I./inclu
> > de -Foobj/msvc/alleg/makehtml.obj -c docs/src/makedoc/makehtml.c
> > makehtml.c
> > docs\src\makedoc\makehtml.c(155) : error C2026: string too big, trailing
> > charact
> > ers truncated
> > make.exe: *** [obj/msvc/alleg/makehtml.obj] Error 2
> The string is not that long, I even think that it fits in the range
> by ISO C99 (0-4095 characters). That said, it would be safer to split it
> into two parts anyway

Well, don't tell that to me, but to MSVC :)

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