Re: [AD] Makefile issues

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>> Also, it'd be nice if the OSX makefile generated and installed the
>> man pages out of the docs; only problem is I'm not that expert in
>> makefiles nor in the way (for example) the unix makefile generates
>> them, so I wonder if someone could help here...
> The man generation is a couple of lines. Search the makefile for
> '-man' and you will see the target and a rule which converts the
> allegro._tx file to man pages. I would say, copy&paste.

Thanks! It works nicely now, except for a thing: the uninstall-man target
derived from doesn't actually delete *all* installed man
pages... Some remain: all the ex*.3 and I think all the pages related to
structure definitions. Looks like the sed script that does the job needs

>> I've had reports that under OSX 10.1.x the "rm" command doesn't support
>> the -v (verbose) switch. So the "clean" target in makefile.all gives
>> problems... How can I fix this? The quickest solution would be to remove
>> the -v option from there, but is it safe to do so? Otherwise I suppose
>> we'd need to make makefile.all aware of the problem by setting some
>> dedicated definition. What do you propose?
> Try the attached patch. If it fits your needs, you can commit it alongside
> the related modification to makefile.osx .

Thanks #2! Applied to CVS.

Angelo Mottola

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