Re: [AD] dynamic input

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> This is the first time I post a message ever, so I'm pretty new to this.
> I have a question about importing data from a webcam/videocamera into an
> allegro based  program, written in C.

This is not the appropriate list. Please post to the [AL] list instead (see 
the readme.txt file of the Allegro distribution).

> How can I do this? Do I simply have to add a scriptline, or do I use a
> method, defined in the game-library? Which one? or...?

If your data are a movie, you need a movie player on top of Allegro. Search 
on for examples of such players. If your data are pictures, you 
can display them with Allegro, either directly if they are in 
BMP,LBM,PCX,TGA or with an add-on for any other formats.

Eric Botcazou

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