RE: [AD] A small bugfix in allegro_exit

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Title: RE: [AD] A small bugfix in allegro_exit

> so normally there is again a linking dependency, this time
> between the core
> library and the mouse module (see the beginning of install_allegro),
> _except_ if this registration routine is called through a constructor
> because there is no explicit call to constructors in the code.

OK, that's the bit that I find odd. I remember now about the
linking bit, I had forgotten all of this.

> > Also, it means that the image loader/saver list, for instance,
> > is cleaned to the start state (eg, PCX/TGA/BMP/LBM), and not
> > entirely.
> Could you elaborate a bit?

The list is seeded with loaders/savers for PCX/TGA/BMP/LBM. If you
want others, you can add them with register_bitmap_format or similar.
If you call allegro_exit, a cleanup function is called (through
the exit func mechanism). This will destroy the list, and rebuild
it with the default PCX/TGA/BMP/LBM formats. So it only removes the
custom ones, leaving allocated memory for the default ones.

Vincent Penquerc'h

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