[AD] d_ctext_proc

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Annie's just patched her tree to 4.1.10.

Vincent Penquerc'h 

Since I've heard you plan to release quickly 4.1.11, may I suggest strongly
that you rename d_ctext_proc in d_ctext_proc_ex.  Because it is a *big*
difference.  I was quite surprised to see text half outside the alloted

There's an attached patch that defines d_ctext_proc_ex with the new behavior
and d_ctext_proc as a deprecated function.  Note that this patch still
compatibility on gui_ctext_proc (i.e. client code that wants to set
gui_ctext_proc need to re-write their function).

My own opinion (for what it's worth) is not to apply my patch but to revert
patch on ctext proc to the old implementation (even if it's not very wise
creates problems with centre_dialog).

Oh well...

Some other remarks.

The doc (in makefile target) talks of 'installall' as a target, but it
exists under Linux (it's defined in makefile.all, but this file isn't
in the main makefile)

Modules (in linux/umodules) are loaded 2 times.


Attachment: d_ctext_proc.diff
Description: Binary data

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