[AD] OSX IconTool

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Hi all,

I've been working when I can on a tool to convert images to OSX .icns
resource files.  I got a reply back from a certain Troy Stephens, whose
IconFamily code I'm using -- he says that he doesn't object to letting
allegro use the code as long as we don't interfere with other users
using and modifying the code, but he's going to take a look and get
back to me on it.  Regardless, I've moved ahead for now.

I seperated the tools into two programs -- fixbundle.sh, a shell script
which makes a bundle out of an allegro executable and icon combo, and
makeicns, an actual program that generates the icons from images.  I
like the unix way of "many little programs each carrying out one
specific task."  However, I've hit a snag: I get a linker error that
I'm missing __mangled_main_address:

ld: Undefined symbols:

I'm guessing this has to do with the main() magic stuff that allegro
does.  Has anyone else had any issues compiling an allegro program from
the command line like this?

I've attached the files I currently have.  (I hope nobody minds!)  No
makefile; I just did a 'gcc *.m -o makeicns [various -framework things
]'.  Maybe another set of eyes is what I need; I'm not much of an
Objective C programmer, and I'm betting I've done something to upset
the system which is why main isn't showing up properly.

Thanks in advance,
- Charles

Attachment: macosx-tools.tgz
Description: macosx-tools.tgz

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