RE: [AD] Pending patches request

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> Maybe it's time to add the "al_rand(int min, int max)" function to
> Allegro?

I'm using my "own" version, adapted from the K&R RNG (from "The C
Programming Language"). It also uses an external seed, which is nice for
multiple paths of number generation. The rand()%256 "striping" issue is
apparent in this RNG as well, but can be overcome (if one must use a power
of two modulus) by using the float version (fmrand()*256):

// mrand.h
#define MRAND_MAX 0xFFFF
typedef unsigned long int SEED;

int mrand(SEED *seed);		// Returns an int between 0-65536 (0 >= n <
float fmrand(SEED *seed);	// Returns a float between 0 and 1.0 (0 >= n
< 1.0)

// mrand.c
#include "mrand.h"

int mrand(SEED *seed)
	*seed = (*seed+1) * 1103515245 + 12345;
	return (unsigned int)((*seed)>>16)%(MRAND_MAX+1);

float fmrand(SEED *seed)
	*seed = (*seed+1) * 1103515245 + 12345;
	return ((float)(((*seed)>>16)%(MRAND_MAX+1)))/(MRAND_MAX+1);

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