Re: [AD] Stripping libraries

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On 2003-05-04, Matthew Leverton <matthew@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Does UPX'ing a Windows debug DLL fall into this category? I'm not sure 
> if it strips anything off that would be useful for debug or not. I 
> generally UPX the binaries on due since saves my slow modem a 
> meg or two of uploading between all the packages.
> Or, are you just talking about something happening in the makefile?

I'm talking about the makefile.  The Unix makefile (at least), runs ld
(the linker) with the -s switch, which strips symbols out of the
library.  The user doesn't get a chance to preserve the symbols.

If you want to UPX DLLs, that's your choice, but if you can't do proper
debugging with the debug DLL, I don't think there's any point uploading


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