[AD] Getting Allegro to work with Cygwin |
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Hi, I have fixed the problems with building Allegro under Cygwin and using it to compile programs. Attatched is a diff of allegro\docs\build\mingw32.txt from version 4.0.3 . mingw32.txt now explains how to build using Cygwin and how to compile an Allegro program with Cygwin. Now that Cygwin can be used, should mingw32.txt be renamed so it isn't misleading, or should it spawn a cygwin.txt file? In the Cygwin section, there's also a bit where it talks of a possible problem with the profile library >Note! If you have problems installing the profiling version of the Allegro >library, you will probably need to copy a file called libgmon.a from the >MingW32 distribution to your /lib/mingw directory (c:\cygwin\lib\mingw) in >cygwin. This is expected to be fixed in a later release of the >mingw-runtime package (I'm currently using mingw-runtime-1.2-1). Seeing that it's been some time since that was written, has it been fixed? I do not use profiling so I have not tried this. I have not tried Cygwin with Dev-C++ so I don't know if the bit about DevC++ will work without any tweaking. I also decided to see if there were any differences between the 4.0.3 and 4.1.9 versions of mingw32.txt. I noticed that in 4.0.3, there's a more extensive section on cross-compilation than in 4.1.9. Was this intentionally left out of the 4.1.x series, or should it be there as well. Also there's the following difference between the 4.0.3 version and 4.1.9 version: < "make depend" and "fixdll.bat" requires that you have GNU sed installed. < "fixdll.bat" requires that you have GNU sort (not DOS !) installed. < The clean targets require that you have GNU fileutils installed. --- > "make depend" and "fixdll.bat" require that you have GNU sed installed. > "fixdll.bat" requires that you have GNU sort (not DOS !) installed. AE.
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