[AD] windows redraw bug |
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Using winxp, alleg 4.1.9wip (probably on 4.0.3 too) Hi, I just noticed that when using directdraw windowed mode in the same bpp than the desktop, when you move the window fast (and the option to move the whole window (not just the frame) is on), the window leaves some artifacts even after dropped. This doesn't appear in programs using double buffer, or in other bpps since the automatic conversion uses double buffer. This can be easily tested using a program that doesn't use double buffer, for example exswitch. Well, that above was a bit criptic but I hope you understand it, I'm kinda in a hurry :) Anyway, the attached patch, that forces the window to redraw itself in each WM_MOVE message fixes the problem (tested). Note it uses RedrawWindow() since UpdateWindow() doesn't work because it doesn't invalidate the region. Thanks for your time.
Description: Binary data
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