[AD] Questions about allegro.dtd

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Questions about allegro.dtd:

What is the language specification attribute common to all
elements? How is it used?

When no id attribute is specified, I guess the parser is free to
assign whatever value you want to the node. Are they unique for
all the document? In the case of a function without id, the parser
could find the name node, transform it to a valid id, but this
could clash against other nodes I guess.

I would like two different link tags to differentiate local from
external files. The idea is that while you could have allegro.xml,
faq.xml and so on, maybe the allegro.xml could turn into a
allegro-manual.info, and faq.xml into allegro-faq.info. Since this
mangles names, one type of link should refer to "symbolic" names
which can be transformed in the final output, and the current link
can exist to point URLs or other references. Proposed example:

  Note that this is answered in <local-link
  ref="faq_document">Allegro's faq</a>, which you can also find
  online at <link ref="http://blahblah"; />.

...and faq.xml would contain '<document id="faq_document">'. This
also means we need an <include-document> tag or similar. What if
the included document uses already used ids?

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