RE: [AD] Allegro 4.0.3rc1+ MFC, bug?

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Title: RE: [AD] Allegro 4.0.3rc1+ MFC, bug?

> Hmmmm... yes. And I received it, so I'm sure. I don't have it
> here, but I'll
> send it again.

For those who had it stripped, here it is.
And in case it is stripped again:

--- allegro/include/allegro/platform/almsvc.h.old       Sat Feb 22 13:55:26 2003
+++ allegro/include/allegro/platform/almsvc.h   Wed Mar 05 00:05:56 2003
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@

+       #define ALLEGRO_NO_MAGIC_MAIN

/* describe how function prototypes look to MSVC */
#if (defined ALLEGRO_STATICLINK) || (defined ALLEGRO_SRC)

Vincent Penquerc'h


Attachment: almsvc.diff
Description: Binary data

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