[AD] Non-blocking menus block when active, patch

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Greetings, all.  I noticed some time ago (shortly after the non-blocking menu code was added to 4.1.6) that menu objects seem to block when active, i.e. when clicked or when the mouse moves over it.

Attached is a patch (against CVS gui.c:1.61, grabbed from CVS shortly before this e-mail) that works around that, though I'm not certain it's the most clean patch possible, as I'm not fluent in the GUI code.

Perhaps shutdown_menu() should be called before another object closes the dialog, or perhaps a message should be sent to the menu object to get it to shut itself down?

Also, I am more than a bit concerned about the usage of yield_timeslice() in all dialogs where a menu is active.  If the menu is non-blocking, then the app may very well not be idle, despite the menu being active.  If the app IS active, then it should know well enough to yield timeslices.  A compromise would be to provide an alternate d_menu_proc() that does automatically yield timeslices.  Forcing it for any case where menus are in use seems likely to cause reduced app responsiveness.

Charles Bilyue' (TRAC)
--- gui.c.old	Wed Mar  5 11:48:34 2003
+++ gui.c	Wed Mar  5 11:54:18 2003
@@ -880,17 +880,18 @@
    if (active_menu_player) {
-      if (update_menu(active_menu_player))
-	 return TRUE;
+      if (!update_menu(active_menu_player))
+      {
-      for (c=0; player->dialog[c].proc; c++)
-	 if (&player->dialog[c] == active_menu_player->dialog)
-	    break;
-      goto getout;
+         for (c=0; player->dialog[c].proc; c++)
+            if (&player->dialog[c] == active_menu_player->dialog)
+               break;
+         MESSAGE(c, MSG_LOSTMOUSE, 0);
+         goto getout;
+      }
    if (player->res & D_CLOSE)
       return FALSE;

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