[AD] div-by-zero.. wdsndmix.c

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in  /allegro419/src/win/wdsndmix.c

these two variables

do alot of division, and i do not see too much checking for possible zero values.

this snippet from  /allegro419/src/win/wdsndmix.c
in   digi_dsoundmix_init(int input, int voices)
looks a bit like a possible div by zero... the bufdivs var might calc to zero, then get used in a divide a few lines later.

---- snip --------

  digidsbufpos = 0;
   bufdivs = digidsbufsize/1024;

--snip --

   if (_mixer_init((digidsbufsize / (_bits /8)) / bufdivs, _freq,
_stereo, ((_bits == 16) ? 1 : 0), &digi_driver->voices) != 0) {
      _TRACE("Can't init software mixer\n");
      return -1;

--- end snip ------

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