RE: [AD] crash! set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT...); vs draw_mouse()

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Title: RE: [AD] crash! set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT...); vs draw_mouse()

> why not just set the gfx mode without going to text mode ?

Because the text mode might be what is needed.

Thinking about it, I remember hearing Peter (or was it Eric)
saying that Windows needs a window for everything, so is a window
(hence a gfx mode ?) needed for the mouse to work ?

I reckon having input without a gfx mode is useful, even if MS
decided they wanted a window everywhere.
I remember at a previous company having to look at Active X, what
crap that was ... Needed to have a window, though it had nothing
to do with anything remotely graphic, did not have user output nor
input, etc. So it had to be hidden, but needed to be there anyway.
Some people really need to be slapped....

Vincent Penquerc'h

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