[AD] Warnmode strengthening on Unix

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This patch, based on Philipp Thomas' work, aims to strengthen the compilation 
requirements in warnmode by adding -W -Wno-unused (like under DOS/Windows) 
to the list of options. This makes it easy to find bugs caused by 
inadvertent comparisons between signed and unsigned types, as Philipp 
pointed out.

However, I chose the other way around with regard to Philipp's original 
patch. Most problems occur because an 'int' variable is somewhere compared 
with a 'sizeof' expression. I think that it is far more natural to do the 
comparison in _signed_ mode rather than in unsigned mode, you don't have to 
guard every comparison in case the variable happens to be negative.

Eric Botcazou

Attachment: unix_warnmode.zip
Description: Zip archive

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