Re: [AD] Allegro 4.1.8 WIP, dat2c

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> I noticed that the problems with dat2c pointed
> out some months ago (the generated c-code is not
> compatible with gcc < v.3, i.e. the fonts looses
> data and textout shows garbage). I just wonder
> if this is planned to be fixed or if Allegro
> will be restricted for the latest versions of
> gcc only.

The problem would ideally need to be fixed and IIRC the approach to do it
(yours) was agreed on. But as gcc3 is in widespread use now, I think it's a
low priority problem. So, in the meantime, we could simply implement error
messages when we know that the generated code will be corrupted. As you seem
to have a good knowledge of the dat2c utility, would you mind doing that ?

- Eric

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