Re: [AD] alsa 0.9 driver

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On January 26, 2003 12:28 pm, Grzegorz Godlewski wrote:
> Hi
> I've written digi driver for alsa 0.9.
> It's available at:
> It works, but there is a problem with building:
> I have to run make, then remove compiled drivers and make again.
> Could anyone look at it?

hmmm. Maybe later... I don't quite have time myself... But Wouldn't it be a 
better Idea to merge the alsa 0.5 and 0.9 drivers into the existing alsa* 
files? In my attempt it worked fine (with a bit of additions to the configure 
script), my only problem was a bug in the alsamidi drivers for my card...

Thomas Fjellstrom

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