RE: [AD] EVDEV mouse driver

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Title: RE: [AD] EVDEV mouse driver

[sorry for the delay, we were away, and will be again a couple
days till next week --vincent]

> Thanks, but the attached patch doesn't apply either because of spurious
> ASSERTs in your 4.1.7 version. They are not in the official tree.

I'm going to get the official tree and send you a diff on this version.

> > * Pure lazyness: that's the easiest behavior to implement.
> Ok, but given that it was _already_ implemented in the drivers...

I've changed INTERNAL_MOUSE_DRIVER process function (its parameters) and so i
had to change a bit its body in all Linux drivers.  Keeping the previous
behavior would have been slightly less simple (say two more lines of code... I
said I was lazy ;).


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