Re: [AD] al_findfirst() win2k.

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> I definitely can't reproduce the problem under Win98, so I guess
> Win2k sets  some additional flags in the bitmask. Does it help to
> pass -1 instead of  FA_ARCH | FA_RDONLY ?

There's definately something wrong with al_findfirst. I'm using Win2k, but
if I pass 0 for the attributes, it only returns files with no attributes
set - under a normal DOS find, that used to list all archive and read-only
files as well.

Passing -1 does make it work for me - but could this lead to strange bugs
when someone else runs the game on their Win98 system, or is -1 a safe value
to use all round?

A possible problem is this attribute which win2k uses to specify a normal
file with no attributes set:
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL        0x00000080


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