Re: [AD] set_volume() is evil

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> How about:
> set_volume() - doesn't touch the global volume (ie: the "right" way)
> set_global_volume() - changes the global volume, for users that really
> need it.

Has there been any progress on this? Sorry to bug you guys, but the altering
of the global volume is the main thing that my players are complaining about
as they have set their levels how they like them and find it very
frustrating to have the game change them.

The main problem is that when you quit the game, the global volume doesn't
get restored to how it was before the game started. For example, I set my
MIDI slider in Windows Volume Control to about 1/3. I run my allegro game,
and it changes the volume to the game volume. Then, when I exit the game,
the global MIDI volume stays at the level the game set, rather than going
back to 1/3 as it was before the game was launched.
Would it be easy to make remove_sound() do this?

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