Re: [AD] for_each_entry API function

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> As an aside, have you seen the `deprecated' attribute in GCC? I've only
> just noticed it (I have gcc 3.2.1), and I'm sure it wasn't in,

It's also in GCC 3.1, but it's not in GCC 3.0.3. I used it in DUMB v0.9.1 and 
assumed it would be in any 3.x version. Now it generates a sea of warnings 
("warning: `__deprecated__' attribute directive ignored") with GCC 3.0.3. 
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a flag that will disable this 
particular warning (except '-w').

So if anyone can pin down the exact GCC version in which it was introduced, 
Allegro wouldn't be the only project to benefit :) I've had a look through 
the GCC history and haven't found anything. I'll ask on the gcc-help mailing 
list shortly.

Note also that GCC 3.1 didn't handle the following construction very well 
when I tried it:

typedef struct A { ... } A;
typedef A B DEPRECATED();

void ihaveafatalflaw(B *b) DEPRECATED();

Even though the function is deprecated, you get a warning for the deprecated 
type used in the parameter list. This happens no matter how many 
"DEPRECATED()"s you put in the function prototype and no matter where you put 


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