RE: [AD] EVDEV mouse driver |
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I've made changes to the setup to be able to handle event mouse. Also, the
event mouse driver now try several device files by default.
Both setup and driver try /dev/input/mice, /dev/input/mouse, /dev/input/mouse0.
They do not try /dev/input/event because this device could be anything.
The device file names and packet size are hard coded in the setup. Is it better
to specify them in the drivers ?
Some small fixes in setup.c: device file wasn't closed at the end of
detect_mouse, drivers name aren't always initialized, correction in a message
("No drivers understand...").
I've also found that alert doesn't seem to scare the mouse. I didn't
How to apply the patch:
. Copy lmseevsetup.diff to your allegro directory
. cd to your allegro directory
. Type: patch -p1 < lmseevsetup.diff
Description: Binary data
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