RE: [AD] EVDEV mouse driver

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Title: RE: [AD] EVDEV mouse driver

Hi !

When I switched to a new Allegro, I discovered that my patch couldn't be
applied on this newer version.  I'm sending a new patch that has been created
based on Allegro 4.1.7.

> [Sorry for the delay]
No problem

> > There is also a change in behavior: when a packet was
> > invalid (for ps2 and gmpd, but not for ms) the buttons where
> > assumed to be released. Now, for all mice, if a packet is invalid,
> > the buttons keep the same state. (If you want the previous behavior,
> > i can change it)
> ...except maybe that one. What's the rationale for changing the behavior ?
> Note that I don't know either the rationale for the existing behavior (I'd
> say safety though, the invalid packet might be a "button-released" packet),
> but I assume it to be still valid unless you have an argument against it.

IIRC, there were three reasons:
* I thought it may be better to have the same behavior for all drivers.
* Pure lazyness: that's the easiest behavior to implement.
* I'd think that it's better to ignore a button press or release than creating
one such event because of a glitch. If it was ignored, the user can try to
click again. But a button-release due to a glitch may mean
"Please, destroy all my saved games" ;)



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