Re: [AD] loss of videoBitmap after set_gfx_mode()

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Yes, I agree.  I find it strange his POINTER changed values?  That's not 
right...  Anyways...  yeah.  An assert or something would be nice?


On 19 Nov 2002 at 23:17, Robert Ohannessian wrote:

> Gillius wrote:
> > No.  That's right.  At least for Windows.  Video bitmaps are stored in 
> > the
> > video card/DirectX.  When you switch graphics modes, you are essentially
> > restarting DirectX, so anything that you had going related to DirectX is
> > lost.
> Yes - I completely agree. However, this does not mean that Allegro 
> should *crash* because the surfaces were lost. Allegro already keeps 
> track of video bitmaps (at least, it does on DOS and Windows). Couldn't 
> it safely destroy them on each call to set_gfx_mode?
> Also, I don't beleive this feature is documented anywhere.
> I guess right now it's a debate in between making Allegro 
> crash-resistent/user-proof (as much as possible), versus leaving it up 
> to the coder to RTFM.
> Maybe we can somehow signal this in the debug build instead? That way, 
> the release build is unaffected, and the debug build gets to warn the 
> coder about bad behavior...

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