Re: [AD] feature req.

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On Sunday 17 November 2002 13:15, aj wrote:
> what about all the other platform specific stuff currently in allegro ?
> it only has to exists for the win32 versions.

IMHO, the win32-specific function list is already too long. Don't get me 
wrong, I like for Allegro to allow as much as is possible and disallow as 
little as possible, but we should motivate people to write platform 
independent code. Having a lot of platform specific functions conflicts 
with this goal, IMHO.

> and it sorta needs to go in allegro, its difficult to add it as an 
> and its only 1 function, and then any window messages could be hooked.
> this gives me the ability to receive help button messages, in windows F1 
> key produces WM_HELP messages.

Couldn't you just handle the F1 key instead?

> and win32 dialogs have Help buttons which send WM_HELP into the main 
> applications message loop, which allegro currently controls.

Isn't there some way to interface with the message loop already?

If something like this is going to be added, I'd rather see that it was 
added as a public function of the type

allegro_set_signal_handler(int al_sig, void (func)(void))

with Allegro #defining a number of signals (or messages in Windowsspeak) in 
a platform independent way. A possible list could look something like

#define AL_SIGHELP		somenumber
#define AL_SIGTERM		someothernumber
#define AL_SIGSEGV 		yetagainsomeothernumber

This may be overdoing it for a game programming library, though.

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